Attend The Shaw Centre
We have some spaces available!
If you are interested in attending The Shaw Centre and meeting new friends you can either be referred by your social worker or you can contact us directly and self fund your days.
Contact us for more info or simply pop in for a brew and a chat.
We offer a free trial day with a free lunch included!
At the Shaw centre we have volunteers who come in and work alongside paid staff. We pay travel costs and provide lunch.
About The Shaw Centre
The Shaw Centre is a small voluntary activity centre working with adults with learning difficulties. We work with up to 25 people per day, the number of days any one person comes in is dependent on availability of spaces and the persons budget.
We offer a varied programme of activities throughout the week; including Zumba, Drumming, Sing Along and going out into the local community.
Are you what we are looking for?
To be a volunteer requires no previous experience of working with learning disabilities. The most important requirement is a good sense of humour and a willingness to work with people with learning disabilities, helping them to help themselves.
What you will be doing
The type of thing a volunteer will do is to support the people who use the centre both in the centre and out in the community during activities. Spend time socialising/ talking to them, making sure they are able to get the most out of activities, offer encouragement.
If you decide to give it a go, you will have a thorough induction and be given time to settle in. This settling in period is an opportunity for you to decide if it is what you want and also is an opportunity for us to decide if you are suitable.
The benefits of volunteering
The volunteering can be an opportunity to a new career. The experience you will gain can be what is needed to get a job in support work, move on to a NVQ/ college course in health and social care. It is an excellent all round experience.
Does it affect benefits?
If you are unemployed and signing on doing voluntary work does not affect your benefits. You receive no payment for your volunteering other them reimbursement of travel expenses, i.e. bus fare and lunch if you spend more than 3 hours volunteering at one time.
If you want any further information or an application form, contact Danielle on 0161 2035109 or email
Jill, One of our trustees volunteering her time at one of our Christmas parties
Also Charlene and Christine, Group-members.
Do You Have What It Takes To Join Our Board Of Trustees?
We are seeking new trustees to join our board.
It is an exciting time to join The Shaw Centre board of trustees - We are looking for trustees with a passion for our work and the skills to contribute to the organisation as we develop the charity.
Do you have experience and knowledge of the issues surrounding adults with a learning disability?
Can you attend our meeting every Six weeks?
If you are interested please contact -
Make a donation.
We are currently funded through Manchester City Council and in addition we bid for money to run specific activities.
We also have a Just Giving page.
If you would like to make a donation- Click on the link below.